Married to a Minority
Hello friends! I'm about to get real here, so keep reading only if you want the real. I'm not sugar-coating anything anymore. I lost a friend on Face book the other day, not to death, as we can still see each other here on Earth- thank God for that. She posted political, a complete opinionated piece from the other side. She claimed it was not an opinion piece, even though the adjectives ran strong. Now, I'm not a Republican, I'm not a Democrat, but I WANT THE TRUTH. I get so sick of the lies, it just drives me insane! There was a reporter recently that said it was the media's responsibility to present the news to the American people a 'certain way'. Now did you get that? 'A certain way' meaning what? Apparently, we need help to think a 'certain way.' Let me see here? Do I want help on what or how to think about my country, politics, or rich white guys, rich black guys, or women? I am a woman myself. I get to think all on my own that if a...