Married to a Minority

 Hello friends! I'm about to get real here, so keep reading only if you want the real. I'm not sugar-coating anything anymore. I lost a friend on Face book the other day, not to death, as we can still see each other here on Earth- thank God for that. She posted political, a complete opinionated piece from the other side. She claimed it was not an opinion piece, even though the adjectives ran strong. Now, I'm not a Republican, I'm not a Democrat, but I WANT THE TRUTH. I get so sick of the lies, it just drives me insane! 

There was a reporter recently that said it was the media's responsibility to present the news to the American people a 'certain way'.  Now did you get that? 'A certain way' meaning what?  Apparently, we need help to think a 'certain way.' Let me see here? Do I want help on what or how to think about my country, politics, or rich white guys, rich black guys, or women? I am a woman myself.  I get to think all on my own that if a woman is raped, it's a very bad thing breeding unnecessary, never-ending life consequences. I don't have to be told that it needs to be downplayed because the perpetrator was a homeless guy, or a man down on his luck because he wasn't raised the correct way. Nope... I don't want to be told that. I'll reject it and hopefully point out to everyone I know, that they need to remember we don't get the right information. It's slanted. And then the next question: Where is it slanted to; I WANT TO KNOW!  

       Think about it. Without me saying it literally, they want you to hate something and it ain't criminals! I didn't say don't feel sorry for the criminal, but when somebody does something to you that's wrong, it makes you mad! They, whoever 'they' may be, would rather you NOT hate the person or 'thing' that did the bad to you. They want you to hate the system, and that leads me to my next question. What is the system? 

Are they rich white guys? To tell the truth, they're not my favorite. My husband is a white guy and when he married me, he knew it was a gamble. He knew part of my genetic makeup came from somewhere else, as in definitely another state, possibly another country, but he didn't care because he loved me, as I love him, immeasurably. But, most white guys that I've met with money, I haven't cared for. They're always jerks. A handful of them are not, and I can only think of a handful.  

 Notice how they all like sports, and you have to sit there and ponder while they talk about the sports, "Do these people have another thought in the world about anything else but driving the huge gas-guzzling SUV, only for a statement. (I mean a minivan gets better gas mileage, but it's not near as impressive) and can they talk about something else instead of the sports teams? And the hat, they've always got the hat on,  because they've 'gotta support the team'. Anyway, let 'em do it! Love it or hate it, it's a free country and two, they're not looking at things they shouldn't be, and you know what I'm talking about. Sports, I'll take any day over anything perverse.  Now to ask the question, are they the system? Maybe they used to be. I didn't like them then, (don't get me wrong, I love men, just not the stereotypical white guy- and believe me, I'm not married to one- he's better!) and I don't much care for them now, not to be redundant.

Now, finally the meat of this prose, I want the truth. I've explained that I'm not for the establishment, never have been, never will be.  I just don't want to be lied to.  Example: Don't lie as Harry Reid confessed HE DID to get Barrack elected again. Yep, I saw the interview where he was called out on it, he said "It worked! Romney didn't get elected." The message was 'lie all you can to get what you want.' 

The lies that people make up, and then they won't give a name, but say it is from an unknown source, come on!  What the heck do you think you're doing? We the people, or just ME!  ME alone is enough to hate the lies! I hate to say it, but the other side is not known for lying, as much as they refuse to say ANYTHING usually, which can result in an outcome just as harmful as lying.  However, when a LIE is told,  the crooked media will print it and scream it loudly, over and over again. 

 "THE POWER OF SUGGESTION- right Harry Reid?"Remember, he said it wasn't true, what he said about Romney not paying his taxes, but it HELPED Barrack get elected. Soooo, why not? 

The power of suggestion, rather it's the truth or not, the people will believe it for a day, or two, or even for a month, then by the time the retraction is out, the 'suggestion' stuck. It's not fair, the lies, but yet there it is. The only way to battle it is to not believe it. You can't trust the media anymore to even report the positive, because they've lied so much. They used to help us, now they only want to hurt us, and why, I still don't know. 

'Give the public the news the way we think they should have it'... remember that because that's what you're getting now.  

I am a minority, not just because of the ethnic blood that runs through me, but more of because of the way I think. I don't want to be lied to, I want the truth. But if people aren't telling it, then I suppose I'm the only one who wants it. So my husband really is married to a minority!  
